trade prospect中文什么意思

发音:   用"trade prospect"造句
  • trade:    n. 1.贸易;商业,交易;零售商。 ...
  • prospect:    n. 1.眼界,风景,景色;展望;( ...
  • in prospect:    可以预料到; 期望重的
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  1. In colonial times some settlers were more attracted by trading prospects than by religion .
  2. Legco question raised by hon david li - trading prospects in mainland
  3. As a result , they offer a useful framework for understanding how china assesses its own trade prospects and how it may respond to future trade challenges
  4. The key issues in this paper are : e - commerce and its characters ; the influence of e - commerce on the innovation of circulation model and the development of circulation industry ; the inner factors and impetus that speed up the circulation to develop itself ; the analysis of e - commerce in china and its electronic trade prospect and it is put forward that the development of e - commerce in china is facing the tasks of marketization and eletronisation and the business between enterprises is becoming the development emphasis in the area of commodity circulation ; the strategy and countermeasure of e - commerce development in circulation industry and it is also proposed that t he overtaking strategy be established to quicken the process of the modernization of circulation industry ; the rule that fits the situation of our country be fixed to make enterprises the main body in using e - commerce ; e - commerce means be used to change the circulation system of our country ; the payment system construction be speeded up and the government promote e - commerce , etc


  1. trade promotion corp 什么意思
  2. trade promotion division 什么意思
  3. trade promotion organizations 什么意思
  4. trade promotion section 什么意思
  5. trade proposal 什么意思
  6. trade prospects 什么意思
  7. trade protection 什么意思
  8. trade protection society 什么意思
  9. trade protectionism 什么意思
  10. trade protocol 什么意思


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